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An historian will explain how St. Gallen, founded in 612 by the Irish monk Gallus, was toured. Legend says that Gallus fell into a bush with thorns and had an encounter with a black bear. He took this as a sign that God wanted him to stay. (This would not be my first instinct but perhaps that is why I still haven't founded a town). The hermitage he lived in became the Abbey of St. Gallen. It is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site and houses one of the most famous libraries in the world.Replica Tag Heuer Watches The building is home to over 170,000 medieval manuscripts and 2,000 originals, which are displayed in temporary exhibitions. It's a must-see attraction for any visitor.

The Stiftsbibliothek is the library of UNESCO

On the last day, we travel by train to Berneck to do the hike that was originally planned along the Rheintaler Hochweg to the Restaurant Maienhalde to taste the wines of Berneck. I glance at my Replica Tag Heuer Watches GMT Rega Limited Edition, which has been ticking along with us during our walk. It is only 11am. A little early to start wine tasting, perhaps. It would be a sin not to taste these wines, as they are so rare that they barely make it beyond the village next door, let alone into the French-speaking region of the country.

Our intrepid journalists get back on the train to return home to the French speaking side of the country after perhaps a few too much sips. The weekend was full of surprises and action, but thankfully, there was no need for Rega!

All the DetailsSophie Furley stayed at the Hotel Einstein, Berneggstrasse, 9000 St. Gallen, and ate at Gaststuben zum Schlossli, Zeughausgasse 17, 9000 St. Gallen, Restaurant Markplatz in Neugasse 2, St. Gallen and Restaurant Lokal in Grunbergstrasse 7 are also worth mentioning.Panerai Luminor Chrono Replica She paraglided with Free Wings in Dorfstrasse 64 9055 Buhler and tried the wines at Wein Berneck Rathausplatz 7a 9442 Berneck. Stiftsbibliothek is situated on Klosterhof 6 in 9004 St. Gall.