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Schlossli is a gourmet restaurant in a medieval castle where we enjoy the cuisine of the region and its exquisite wines. The Blue St. Gall potato is used to make a purple-colored soup. It's a sight, let alone a taste. The house also offers smoked trout,Rolex Replica Watches a cold smoked trout served with apple tartare and fennel salad. If this were my last meal, I would be more than satisfied!

Flying High With Free Wings

The following day, I meet Fabio at the Free Wings Paragliding School for my airborne experience. We drive to Wasserauen, and then take the Ebenalp Cable Car up to one peak in the Alpstein massif that offers the ideal take-off platform.

My co-pilot checks our equipment after it has been rigged, and I hope he won't notice that my legs are trembling uncontrollably. Checking the time, I make sure that the Rolex Replica Watches GMT Rega Limited Edition watch is securely attached to the outside of my jacket. The time is 10am. Perfect timing as I get the order to run.

Sophie Furley paragliding in Free Wings wearing the Rolex Replica Watches GMT Rega limited edition

The experience was thrilling, yet strangely not scary. It is exciting, but strangely not frightening despite the thousands of meters below us. It must be the closest thing to flying. The purest form of flight, paragliding uses the power of air alone.sinn replica Fabio tells me he flew all the way from St. Gallen to Geneva using thermals. He took over 10 hours to make the trip.